Published: 11.10.2023. u 14:29

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Savičenta d.o.o.
Svetvinčenat 47, Svetvinčenat
OIB: 50329598386
VAT ID: HR50329598386
Trgovački sud u Pazinu
MBS 130012368
Share capital: Iznos temeljnog kapitala društva iznosi 2.660,00 € i uplaćen je u cijelosti.
Administration: Natalija Ladavac, Nives Cetina
Branch Manager: Natalija Ladavac
Bank accounts
Hrvatska poštanska banka d. d. / Jurišićeva 4, Zagreb / IBAN: HR7523900011100966757
+385 52 384 318
+385 91 446 8001
Depending on the season. See on the page Working hours.
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