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Select the desired date of the visit, and then the time, type and quantity of tickets.
12th Medieval festival Svetvinčenat
NOTE: The ticket is valid for 1 of the three listed festival dates. If for any reason you do not use the ticket on the selected date, you can use it on one of the remaining dates of the festival.
The ticket will be canceled by scanning at the entrance.
People with disabilities have free entrance. If a disabled person requires an accompaniment (+ 1 person), then the accompaniment also has free entrance.
Early bird ticket prices are valid until 31st of July until 12 p.m.
OIB: 50329598386
VAT ID: HR50329598386
Trgovački sud u Pazinu
MBS 130012368
Share capital: Iznos temeljnog kapitala društva iznosi 2.660,00 € i uplaćen je u cijelosti.
Administration: Natalija Ladavac, Nives Cetina
Branch Manager: Natalija Ladavac
Bank accounts
Hrvatska poštanska banka d. d. / Jurišićeva 4, Zagreb / IBAN: HR7523900011100966757